Los Santos Police Department
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The codes ( These codes should be used by officers )

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The codes ( These codes should be used by officers ) Empty The codes ( These codes should be used by officers )

Post by Officermike13 ( Admin ) Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:06 am

The Codes

The code in its essence is fairly simple, it differentiates from unit numbers in that codes usually have 4 digits in total or a single number, sometimes they have 3 digits.
3 digit codes are less, therefore no unit numbers can coincide with 3 digit codes.
Every code type, with the exception of 3 digit codes is different in every way to a unit number, because the list of 3 digit codes is so small, these codes should not be confused with a unit number.
3 digit codes and 4 digit codes are read by 2 units at a time. e.g. 10-4 is read "ten four", 10-19 is read "ten nineteen", for this mere reason units are hard to be confused with these codes, because unit numbers are read digit by digit.
e.g. unit 335 is read "three, three, five"
*Control units are taught not to respond to other units, unless they use the codes below.

Single digit codes/Situational code/description/example
Code 1 = Use this code when you want to have a private conversation.e.g. control, code 1 from 336
Code 2 = Units on route must proceed without lights or sirens.e.g. 116 and 856 code two on santa monica pier, reports of shots being fired, please proceed with caution.
Code 3 = Units on route must proceed with lights and sirens. e.g. 116 and 856 code three on santa monica pier, reports of shots being fired, please proceed with caution.
Code 4 = Situation taken care of, nor further assistance needed, return to patrol. e.g. control to all units, code 4.
Code 5 = Investigate e.g. control to all units, code 5 on santa monica pier.
Code 6 = This code is used as an alternative to say engage e.g. control to all units, code 6 on main target.
Code 7 = This code is used as an alternative to say Ceasefire. e.g. control to all units, code 7

3 digit codes/Request/Response code/description/example
10-0 = Proceed with caution e.g. 113 this is 228, 10-0 on bank's front door over.
10-2 = Assault quickly/Move Fast e.g. 113 this is 228, 10-2 on bank's front door over.
10-3 = This code is used as an alternative to say negative e.g. <<control to all units, 10-16 on delta>> 10-3 control, charlie taking heavy fire.
10-4 = This code is used as an alternative to say copy e.g. <<control to all units, 10-16 on delta>> 10-4
10-6= Request a repetition of last broadcast e.g. this is 228 to control, 10-6 on last broadcast, over.
10-8 = Request a non code form of the last message (non code form discussed in next section)e.g. this is 228, 10-8, over.

4 digit codes (10 numbers)/Request/Response Situational code/description/example
10-10 = Weather is becoming a problem, retake positions somewhere else (when the weather prevents visibility or becomes a problem when driving, other members can be alerted to use caution) e.g. 113 this is 228, we have a 10-10, suspect is driving in the highway near my location, car model is a black sedan, proceed with caution. e.g. (2) 113 this is 228, 10-10 on Santa Monica, I do not have have a visual, request control for air visual support over.

10-12= Request driver/patrol on location/extraction e.g. 228 requesting a 10-12
10-14= To ask location to go e.g. 118 to 228, 10-14 <<marking 10-14 on GPS.....copy 118, on route>>
10-16 = Request for backupe.g. 224 to control, 10-16 on south blvd highway
10-18= Regroup on HQ or control unit.e.g. control to delta, 10-18 do you copy? <<10-4 control>>/<<10-4, control or HQ?>>, 10-18 on control.
10-20= Visual/position. Do you have a 20?
10-22 = Disregard last message e.g. control to all units, 10-22 situation under control.

4 digit codes (20 numbersReport Situation
code/description/(no examples are necessary here)

20-10= Shooting
20-20= Wreckless driving
20-30 = Hit and run
20-40= Gang activity
20-50 = Terrorist activity
20-60= Grand Theft Auto

Non digit responses/Responses code/description/example
Affirmative/Copy/Understood = Means yes, members are required to use any of these, no such things as "ok", "give me a second", "or yeah sure no problem"
Negative= Means NO
Request = No such thing as "I need back up", as far as I am concerned everyone needs backup one time or another, the proper way to say it is requesting it, requests can be anything, from back up, to an extraction. team alpha to control, request for backup./ control to 113,
Broadcast = Message.team alpha 10-6 on last broadcast.
Standby = Remain put or go patrol.team alpha stand by for further orders.
Inbound = Someone is traveling to a location. 335 suspect is inbound on the 95 freeway.
A 20 '= Visual/position. Do you have a 20?.

Terminology use

This terminology should be used.
Back up

The Codes Summarized
Code 1= Private Communication
Code 2= No Lights No Siren
Code 3= Yes Lights and Sirens
Code 4= No further assistance required
Code 5= Investigate
Code 6 = Engage
Code 7 = Ceasefire
10-0 = Proceed with caution
10-2 = Assault quickly/Move Fast
10-3 = Negative
10-4 = Affirmative
10-6 = Repeat
10-8= Repeat non code form
10-10= Weather is a problem
10-12= Request extraction
10-14= Ask location to go to
10-16 = Request for backup
10-18= Regroup on HQ or Control unit
10-20 = visual/location
10-22= Disregard last message
20-10= Shooting
20-20= Wreckless driving
20-30 = Hit and run
20-40= Gang activity
20-50 = Terrorist activity
20-60 = Grand theft auto
20-70 = Armed robbery

Priority 1 = Drop everything and respond to call (example: officer down or wanted crew/person spotted)
A 20'
Officermike13 ( Admin )
Officermike13 ( Admin )

Posts : 12
Join date : 2015-09-29
Age : 23
Location : Netherlands


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